Bonus Article by Tina Phillips

Check out an article I wrote for Medium that looks at critique of antifa, as well as issues driving behaviors towards authoritarian action in the Left:

Socialism and the Male Feminist By Randy Brooks

Without knowing it, I’ve been a socialist and a feminist since around the age of nine. My single mother was dating a Jewish, dairy grocer, around the corner from our apartment, on 149th St., in Harlem, NYC, N.Y.. Mr Schwartz gave her credit, when she needed it, and  gave me a job running milk, cheese…

Personally Political by Leigh Lyon

I had an AA sponsor once tell me, “the personal is political.” There are countless incidents in my life that make up a whole quilt of the feminism that evolved from this concept.  Not because I am so strong and powerful, but actually because of the weakness in me. I once felt internalized hatred for…

Post-Trump Left Authoritarian Creep by Tina Phillips

I am very concerned about a trend I have been noticing within the socialist left: the rise of left authoritarianism. I suppose these attitudes are gaining popularity because post-Trump folks are feeling very vulnerable, angry, and scared. I think people must feel like in order to fight back against Trumpism they need a strong approach….